Young Living Essential Oils

Our family recently started on a journey using essentials oils.  Ever since we had kids, I felt like we were sick all the time.  Nothing major, but a lot of congestion and colds.  We had so many copays last year that we maxed out our medical flex spending account this year in anticipation of all of the visits.  Now I wish I could use that flex money for essential oils!!

I started out by buying a diffuser but immediately realized that I should have bought the Premium Starter Kit.  My mom and I both ended up buying the Everyday Oils kit the following week and I was immediately in love!   She just bought a diffuser this week.  :)

Here is our typical run down:

I diffuse thieves in the kitchen -- in fact, I already ran out of the 5 ml bottle that came with the Everyday oils kit and just ordered a 15 mil bottle.  It helps kill cold and flu viruses and I put it on the kid's feet whenever they start to come down with something.

I put a drop of lavender on Stu's pillow every night.  It makes him sleep like a baby!!  In fact, the first night I did it, he said he hadn't slept that soundly since before we had kids!

I diffuse lemon in the kitchen whenever I'm cleaning.  I love the fresh citrus scent!

I use peppermint on my stomach for indigestion and on the kids for belly aches.

I combine lavender and peppermint on Jude's chest for congestion.

Lucy has allergies, so I put a drop of lemon, lavender and peppermint in my hands and mix them together and then put it on her feet.

I have learned so much already and feel like I am just dipping my toe in the waters of Essential Oils.

Some of the oils can be applied directly to your skin, but many require what they call a "carrier oil".  I use coconut oil or olive oil.  You know the old rule -- "Don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't put in your mouth".   

The best place to start with oil application is on the soles of your feet.  Your skin is thickest there and it's the safest bet.  Always wash your hands after application because you wouldn't want to accidentally get the oil in your eyes!!

SO - I sometimes feel like a hippy but oils have already made a huge difference in our lives.  We haven't been to the doctor once since we started and I literally just google "essential oils" and the ailment and typically happen to have one of the oils mentioned in my little stash.

Of course, I'm not a doctor - nor do I claim to be - so always seek the advice of your doctor with medical concerns.  I do know that I have felt very empowered by learning about oils and we have seen great results in our family.

Feel free to comment with questions or email me ( for more info!  If you'd like to order a starter kit, my Sponsor and Enroller ID is 1613848.  Thanks for stopping by!

Hey Jude

We had our first ultrasound this week and caught a glimpse of our little man!  We're going to name him Frazier Jude Robertson - but we'll call him Jude.  It's really exciting to finally call "it" a "him" - and I loved seeing him move around on the ultrasound screen.  We can't wait to meet this sweet baby boy!!

Preschool Busy Bag Swap

A friend of mine is hosting a busy bag swap!  Here are my entries for:
Ages 2-4: cork drop.  Corks fit right in hole (some require pressing down) and make a satisfying kerplunk sound!

Age 4-6: Egg Carton Object Counting with option of a color scavenger hunt

Sensory bin

A friend told me about these water beads from the dollar tree! They're in the floral department and are really fun for the sensory bin!! They're a choking hazard for little ones, though, so make sure they're out of the mouth phase!! :)

Primary and Secondary colors

Since Goodnight Moon uses primary colors in so many of the illustrations, Lucy practiced her pouring using the primary colors to make secondary colors! She loves pouring and really enjoyed this activity.

Goodnight moon row

We're rowing Goodnight Moon this week! We were at Publix and they gave Lucy a red balloon, so we added
that to her shelf. Today we also read My World by the same author and Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch.

Drayton hall

Today was free museum day and drayton hall was the free museum in our area. Lucy liked walking around the grounds! We skipped the house tour for this time. ;)